Informationen - Soziale Strukturen
Dolphins exist in families known as pods.
Social structures are based on cooperative and communicative skills, perpetuating the survival of the family.
Dolphin's societies have long term successful cultures. Their culture is over forty million years. Human culture is only thousands of years old.
Dolphins exist in a communal sense of awareness. Outside its pod or family dolphins are not complete as a species.
Dolphins appear to have funerals for their lost ones.
The older female govern dolphin societies.
Sex is an important part of the dolphin culture, it's a forms of greeting, play, dominance and aggression.
In their societies they appear to have freedom of choice.
Inter-coastal dolphins often spend their whole life in a 40-mile area called a home range, and swim 100 miles a day in it.
Off shore and near shore dolphins often migrate sometimes thousands of miles.